Dec.30th,2008 Monday

The pain doctors met Dr. Chiang and finally decide to put a patch and cut down the morphine to see how it works. So far I think it is ok,because they just cut down the morphine base line into 2 ml per hour at 8 p.m. and they put the the patch at 12:00 noon time. Hope Xinxin will sleep well tonight and the pain doctors will come and decide whether they want to put more patch and cut down more morphine tomorrow. But anyway we have a PCA machine here,whenever she is in pain, we just press it and she will have a bonus 1.5ml.

And the blood culture result showed there is bacteria in the portacath, that's why she had fever a few days ago. So they will continue the antibiotics and repeat the blood culture later tomorrow or the day after. If it cannot be cleared, they will remove the portacath.Please pray that the antibiotics will clear the bacteria.

In the afternoon, Xinxin told me and her favorite CCF staff that she wanted to do some Art and Craft.Thanks to the CCF staff--Sister Tian, who helps to make her a key chain with her favorite colour--pink and yellow.

Thank you for praying and please continue to pray for us.
