Xinxin is doing fine today.Except she complained her leg pain from the early morning. When she wake up she was quite puffy, her eyes almost can not open.and she vomitted once. The whole morning she never ate anything. But in the afternoon, after she passed all the water out. She feels much better and have some porridge.
So praise the Lord, she is better now. Her chemo will last for five day.
My friend,Christina came to pray for Xinxin and passed her the real Warm clothes to wear in HK. My friends Chongho and Bee came to pass my husband a book to read. I don't know if he will really read or not. But I will read it. And they bought Xinxin some books about the Spot Dog which Xinxin loves a lot.It is just so nice to have all these friends to think about us and help us to go through this path. Thank you very much, my friends.
Please continue to pray for Xinxin. Thank you.