As Christian, I didn't burn any paper for my daughter, because I know she doesn't need it at all in heaven, and some more, she doesn't have a tomb yet.We keep Xinxin's ashes in HK now.As my husband's family think it's bad luck to bring it to his home (I can't understand why), and it's really hard to talk with them, we decided to keep Xinxin at our own home and bring her wherever we go later until the day my husband or I die, then we can be put together.
I got the picture of a coverlet for Xinxin with many friends' hands print on just now. It was sewn and put together by my friend--Anne from USA. It is very touching to have this gift. My friend Anne doesn't know any of this friends in Singapore, but she managed to contact my friend Emily in Singapore and sent all the materials to her. Then I guess Emily called and emailed some of my friends she also knows to do the hand prints and collected them and sent to Anne. The coverlet didn't reach to us as the friends had so much work to do, but I am sure Xinxin knows it and loves it. Thank you so much for taking your time to give us such a wonderful gift, I will keep it with me and bring it to her until the day I go to meet her again.